1. Include gas pipes and liquid pipes.
2. For indoor unit side capacity 22.4 to 168.0 kW; for outdoor unit side capacity 68.0 to 168.0 kW
3. Expanding and shrinking of components by automatic machines.
4. Each VRF Copper Y Fitting is degreased/deoiled, no contact with H2SO4.
5. Diameters: 1.6.35 mm 1/4’’ / 2. 9.52 mm 3/8’’ / 3. 12.70 mm 1/2’’ / 4. 15.88 mm 5/8’’ / 5. 19.05 mm 3/4’’ / 6. 22.40 mm 7/8’’ 7. 25.40 mm 1’’ / 8. 28.57 mm 1’’ 1/8 / 9. 31.75 mm 1’’ 1/4 / 10. 34.92 mm 1’’3/8 / 11. 38.10 mm 1’’1/2 / 12. 41.28 mm 1’’5/8 / 13. 44.45 mm 1’’3/4 / 14. 50.80 mm 2’’
6. Brazing by automatic machines.
7. Leakage test in production by 725psi pressure.
8. All Copper Y Fittings are PICC insured.